Q+A: With O44 METHOD Bay City, MI

O44 METHOD Bay City, MI has officially been open one month!  We checked in with franchisee Allison Bedford-LeMay to see how things are going!

WHAT HAS IT BEEN LIKE TO OPEN THE 1ST O44 METHOD FRANCHISE? It has been SO fun!  Getting to share this method with everyone being brand new to it has been a blast!  Most of our clients have never been on a reformer and it's been amazing to see the growth already in only 1 month with our members! 

HOW ARE THE PEOPLE OF BAY CITY RESPONDING TO THIS NEW WORKOUT?  They are loving it!  I think everyone really appreciates having this workout that feels more "big city" in the tri-cities!  That's why I wanted to bring it here to my home to give everyone here something more next level that we didn't have before.  

WHAT IS OUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE METHOD? Seeing clients grow in confidence and strength!  Most clients haven't ever been on a reformer so being able to share my passion + knowledge with them to show them that they CAN do this type of workout, taking away that fear factor and seeing them grow with that confidence has been the best.  The hardest part is just coming to that first class but once you do it's worth it! 

WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? Sharing this Method with as many people as we possibly can and growing our O44 Method Team so we have the ability to do that!  


BOOK CLUB: Stress Resets


RECIPE: Banana Bread [optional Chocolate Chips]