Q+A: With Carrie on changes in her Workouts at 50

Our Creator + CEO just turned 50 so we wanted to know what changes she was making in her workouts. Read on to find out.

I’m a big believer that most of the time shifts are what’s needed for maintenance and optimization rather than dramatic changes. I’ve always been bothered by the way the Fitness Industry markets they have something that will “transform your body” because…they actually probably don’t and you most likely don’t need a full blown transformation even if they did.

Every year I evaluate what I am currently doing, what I think is ahead of me and then I make shifts. As I turn 50, here are the 5 shifts I am making to my physical workouts…..

#1- Beginning every workout with deeper abdominal activation work, especially lower abdominal work. I’ve always started my workouts with core focused exercises but I have found post kids and in the menopausal years, it’s more difficult to connect/fire my abs. When I make that connection first thing in my workout, I’m able to carry it all the way through my workout which is more effective as well as better for injury prevention. I’ve created a handful of exercises that help me activate!

#2- Even heavier weights/resistance. I had already upped my weights from the early days of using my body weight and light weights but I’ve recently upped it even more and it’s making a definite difference.

#3- Pushing the intensity of my cardio sprints a bit more.

#4- Integrating more rotation and extension in to my workouts to help maintain my posture and mobility.

#5- Starting with my non-dominant side more often. I do alot of pattern work in my workouts which is good for the brain but I am focusing on starting with my left side more often!

That’s it. Totally doable right?! Of course the shifts I need may not be the shifts you need….shifts are personal.

And I have to mention that I use a multi- category approach to Wellness with Fitness being just one, but the first category. More on the WAYWELL METHOD soon.😉


RECIPE: Chicken Immunity Soup
