O44 METHOD workouts are designed to help you achieve results: increased strength, mobility and cardiovascular health. We hear from so many…”my workout isn’t really working”. Simply put, O44 METHOD works.

Yes, O44 METHOD workouts are challenging. As with most things in life, growth does not come from comfort.

Yes, O44 METHOD workouts require effort. What you put in is what you’ll get out and you will need to find your athlete mentality. Important to note that this does not require you to have played a sport. An athlete’s mindset is how you approach your training and work at your edge which is unique to you.

Yes, you will need to do O44 METHOD workouts consistently to achieve results. So although our program is challenging and requires effort, it’s also smartly designed so you can do it every day. We want you to be consistent and don’t believe in not being able to walk after a workout. Feeling muscles that you worked…absolutely! Injury, pain or debilitation…not our jam.

We are aware that sometimes challenging can perceived as intimidating. Our Mission is to help as many people with their health as possible through this METHOD. Intimidation won’t get us there. To be clear on this we are launching NEW COMMUNITY DAYS in our studios. These days are for people thinking about trying an O44 METHOD class but want to learn a little more before jumping in. Check out your local studio for details. We hope to see you there!


BOOK CLUB: Upworthy- Good People


Studio Style Files- Back in Black